Important Details To Review Each Year

*Welcome back to another school year at Valley View Elementary. Our Faculty and staff have been working hard to prepare for a great year.  With the “Vikings” working together we can reach our goals. We look forward to working with both parents and children.

Here are a few things that will help us to have a great year:

*Utah State Law requires regular school attendance. To ensure that concepts and skills are consistently learned, regular school attendance is a must and we encourage that children not be allowed to stay home unless they are ill.  Please let us know if you child will be absent. Also, punctuality is critical in order for children to feel a strong sense of belonging and to receive the directions and review that are given at the start of the day.

*We hope that you will plan your family vacations and other trips around our school schedule. Our district has built in an entire week for Spring vacation and there are multiple 3 day weekends that we hope you will take advantage of rather than planning trips during instructional time.

*Students MUST REMAIN on school grounds during the school day. We do have a “check in”/“ check out” policy in the office when students come late or need to leave during the school day.

*A climate that fosters active participation in learning without disruptive influences is crucial to each child’s education. It is expected that every child will behave in a manner that allows children the opportunity to learn to their maximum potential. This requires responsible behavior in class, on the playground, on busses, and walking to and from school. Please review Weber School District and Valley View Polices and Procedures with your child.

*Valley View students take pride in their dress and grooming. Students are expected to maintain dress and appearance that is modest and not distracting to teachers or students or detrimental to the educational processes of the school. Please review the dress code policy with your child (available on our school website

*Digital Device policy -Because of the possibility of theft, or of disruption to the educational process, electronic devices such as compact disc players, ipods, mp3 players, Kindles, Nooks and other expensive devices will not be allowed at school. If a student has a cell phone for emergencies on the way to and from school, it will need to be kept turned off and in their backpack during school hours.

*The busses will drop off the students in front of the school in the morning and will pick them up at the back of the school after school. Parents who bring or pick up their students will need to use the West parking lot only. The horseshoe is a FIRE Lane and is for school authorized vehicles only. The back is also for school authorized vehicles only.

*PTA-The PTA plays an important role at our school and we encourage all parents to become a part of this worthwhile organization.  Marnie Davidson is our PTA President for the 2017-2018 school year and has a wonderful board and group of volunteers working with her. If you would like to serve in the PTA please let us know. Also, if you have time and would like to volunteer in your child’s classroom please let the teacher know.

*School Fundraiser - We will have a spring fundraiser –stay tuned for more information

*Reading Program- Students who participated in the  “Superintendents Summer Reading Program” Should turn in their list of books read to their homeroom teachers by September 12th Be sure the list the student’s name and parent signature on it.  The student should have read at least 10 grade level books or 1,000 pages during the summer months. Superintendent Stephens will be visiting our school in the Fall to present each student who has accomplished this goal with a Reading Award Certificate.

*Transportation-Because of the liability involved, it is not possible for a child to ride a bus other than his/her regularly scheduled bus, unless a special written permission, the child will be expected to follow his/her regular method of getting home. This procedure is necessary for the safety of your child. Your cooperation will be very much appreciated. If the parent or guardian is going to pick up their child after school, please notify the office or the teacher before the end of the school day. If no notification is received, your child will be expected to go home the usual way. Please go over the safety rules for riding a bus with your child.

*Lost And Found –All coats, sweaters, gloves, and boots worn to school should be labeled with the child’s name. This makes it easier to identify and return any lost item to the rightful owner. Any lost items will be taken to the lost and found container in the lunchroom. The owner can claim these items. Children that have lost items are encouraged to check the lost and found regularly and Claim what belong to them. The school is not responsible for personal items that are lost or stolen.

We have an open door policy at Valley View and encourage parents to communicate often with the school and staff if questions or needs arise. We want to provide a safe school environment-please always sign in and get a visitor pass at the front office using the front Doors. Parent’s sustained interest in their child’s academic and social experiences at school can be great motivation for learning. Let your child see and feel that we are working together in every way to make this a terrific school year. Once again we are looping forward to a super year with our great Valley View Vikings.

The Valley View Staff