Emergency and Safety Information
The staff at Valley View Elementary is concerned for the safety of our students.
School day. We have written emergency preparedness plans for numerous possibilities that outline what will take place in the event of an emergency situation. We also have emergency kits in each of the classrooms
Weber School District has a phone system in place to help contact parents in the case of school closure or other emergency. Please be sure to fill out and return the Bellow REGISTRATION/EMERGENCY AND MEDICAL INFORMATION sheet. Also, be sure to update your information as it changes.
In the event of an emergency at school, students will remain under teacher supervision until one of the persons listed on the Emergency information sheet are available to pick them up.
Any Emergency on a countywide basis will be announced over radio stations KLO (1430 AM) AND KSL (1160AM) These stations will also announce school closures.
MYCONNECT –please sign up for the district wide emergency calling/texting/e-mail alert system.
Our school does not qualify as a civil defense shelter, nor is there a qualified shelter in the immediate area large enough to accommodate all of our students
If evacuation from the building is necessary, a command center will be set up the LDS church located at 4524 South 2525 West.
Federal regulations require that schools be inspected for the presence of asbestos, a toxic material that has been used in the construction industry for a Lumber of years. This school has been inspected for asbestos for asbestos containing materials and the results of the inspections are contained in the asbestos Management Plan. This plan is available for your preview at this school, the District Office, or a copy of the plan can be provided to you for the cost of reproduction. NOTE: During the summer of 1991 asbestos removal was accomplished at Valley View. The company evolved removed all A.C.B.M. and all T.S.I. pipes, joints etc .in the tunnels, and in the furnace and fan rooms.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and service) during school meeting should notify Ann Holdaway, Principal of Valley View Elementary, at least three working days prior to the meeting at 476-5200