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Teacher and Student Success Plan2024-2025 School Information Name of Administrator: Philip NestoryakName of School: Valley View Goal # 1 Each goal must promote improved student performance and student academic achievement Goal #1:  70% of students in kindergarten to 6th grade will show typical to well-above typical growth according to the pathways of progress on the 2025 end of school year Acadience READING Assessment. Goal #1 Action Steps.  Paraprofessionals will provide small group intervention & enrichment supportin grades K-6. Students scoring below...

Read more …TSSA Plan 2024-2025

Community Council MinutesValley View Elementary February 21,2024 3:pm  Parent members:Kassandra Alcocer, Janel Hulbert, Brett Hadley, Emily SnowSchool members:Luke Weston, Phil NestoryakMembers Present: Kassandra Alcocer,Brett Hadley, Emily Snow, Luke Weston, Phil NestoryakMembers Absent: Janel HulbertOthers present:N/A Mr. Nestoryak reviewed the current budget and goals that were voted on at the last meeting. Mr. Nestoryak added action steps to the reading goal: We will hire paraprofessionals for reading groups. ($34,775.87) Paraprofessionals will work with individual students and...

Read more …February 21, 2024 Minutes

Agenda November 8, 2023Parent members: Kassandra Alcocer, Janel Hulbert, Brett Hadley, Kayla Campbell,School members: Luke Weston, Phil NestoryakMembers Present:Members Absent: November 8, 2023 at 3:pm in the libraryAgenda: Beginning of year data Update on School Trust Lands budget Technology, filtering, Internet Safety 

Read more …Agenda November 8, 2023

Minutes November 8, 2023Parent members: Kassandra Alcocer, Janel Hulbert, Brett Hadley, Kayla Campbell,School members: Luke Weston, Phil NestoryakMembers Present: Kassandra Alcocer, Janel Hulbert, Brett Hadley, Kayla Campbell, Luke Weston, Phil NestoryakMembers Absent: N/A Others present: Angie Kindall, Instructional coach, Alan Rhees, Edtech Coach November 8, 2023 at 3:pm in the libraryMinutes: Mr. Nestoryak called the meeting to order at 3:pm. He went over the current budget of $47,704.85, contracted pay for aide salaries of $2,853.72 and Chromebook lease expense of...

Read more …November 8, 2023 Community Council Minutes