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Feb. 17, 2021 Minutes

Valley View Elementary 
Community Council Meeting
Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2021 Minutes

Council Members Present:
Phil Nestoryak
Nancy Fulmer
Kaitlan Hunt
Tricia Chatlin
Lea Belnap
Sarah Storey

Council Members Absent:
(all were present)

The meeting came to order at 3:02. The information below was presented by Mr. Nestoryak and reviewed by the council. The proposed LAND Trust plan as written was presented. Nancy proposed that the council vote to approve the plan, Tricia seconded and all members of the council voted in favor of the plan. The proposed TSSA Plan was also reviewed by the council. The meeting ended at 3:32 pm.

Allocation for 2021 school year - $55,399.00
Carryover                                  $3,690.00
TOTAL                                    $59,089.00
Budgeted LAND Trust Plan
PLTW---------- $2000.00
Teacher PD--- $3000.00
Tech----------- $10,000.00
Aides----------- $40,000.00
TOTAL-------- $55,000.00
Expenses so far from the School Land Trust Fund:
Aide Salaries------------------------- $13,037.25
Teacher PD/substitutes------------- $856.00
for child study/ teacher observation             
Lease of Chromebooks---------------$10,000.00
PLTW Grade Level Kits---------------$2,077.50
Chromebook Charging Cart----------$1842.00
TOTAL-------------------- $27,812.75

Middle of Year DIBELs test results Kindergarten - 3rd grade so far this year (2020-2021)
SCHOOL TOTALS - 201 students
60% made Typical, Above or Well Above Typical GROWTH
39 students Well Above Typical Growth - 19%
39 students Above Typical Growth - 19%
45 students Typical Growth - 22%
38 students Below Typical Growth - 19%
40 students Well-Below Typical Growth - 20%

SCHOOL LAND TRUST PLAN 2022 - Valley View Elem
Funding Estimate for 2022 = $49,439.00 Estimated carryover = $5,000.00 = ($54,439.00 total) (ONLY 10%  carryover allowed, $5,479.00 max)
Goal #1

75% of students in kindergarten to 3rd grade will show typical to well above typical growth according to the pathways of progress on the end-of-year DIBELs assessment.  
Academic Area
The DIBELs assessment will be used to determine how much growth our students make from BOY to EOY.
Action Plan Steps
  1. Reading aides provide small group and individual reading intervention/enrichment for kindergarten through third grade. ($40,000.00)
Goal #2
45% of students in 3rd - 6th grade will be proficient on the end-of-year state math assessment.  
Academic Area
End of year state math assessment.
Action Plan Steps
  1. Personalized learning software to assist in individualizing instruction & providing digital resources to teachers, students, & parents. ($10,000.00)
  2. Professional development & substitutes for collaborative team meetings. ($4000.00)
Funding Changes
Any increase in distribution will be used toward supplemental programs, time for teacher collaboration & training, and enhancements in technology.
Teacher and Student Success - TSSA 2022
Funding Estimate for 2022 - $50,000.00 Estimated carryover = $11,000.00 = $61,000.00 total
Goal #1

75% of students in kindergarten to 3rd grade will show typical to well above typical growth according to the pathways of progress on the end-of-year DIBELs assessment.  
Academic Area
The DIBELs assessment will be used to determine how much growth our students make from BOY to EOY.
Action Plan Steps
  1. Paraprofessionals will provide small group and individual intervention/enrichment. ($30,000.00)
Goal #2
45% of students in 3rd - 6th grade will be proficient on the end-of-year state math assessment.  
Academic Area
End of year state math assessment.
Action Plan Steps
  1. Chromebooks for every student. ($11,500.00)
  2. PLTW online access. ($1000.00)
  3. Schoolwide technology enhancements ($14,350)
Goal #3
Use Panorama software to show an increase in the social-emotional health of our students

Goal #3 Action Step
  1. Panorama software will be used to provide data and support social-emotional wellbeing 3rd-6th grade ($250.00)
  2. District Mental Health Specialist will be hired to provide therapy to our students ($3,900.00)
Funding Changes
Any increase in distribution will be used toward supplemental programs, time for teacher collaboration & training, and enhancements in technology.