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Jan. 13, 2021 Minutes
Valley View Elementary 
Community Council Meeting
Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2021 - 3:00
Council Members Present:
Phil Nestoryak
Nancy Fulmer
Kaitlan Hunt
Tricia Chatlin

Council Members Absent:
Lea Belnap
Sarah Storey

The meeting came to order at 3:00. Summary was given by Mr. Nestoryak of what was budgeted: 

PLTW     -   $2000.00
Teacher PD   -   $3000.00
Tech     -  $10,000.00
Aides    -  $40,000.00

TOTAL  - $55,000.00
and expenses so far:
$55,399.00 - Allocation for 2021 school year
  $3,690.00 - Carry over
$59,089.00 - TOTAL

$2,077.50 - PLTW Grade level kits
   $856.00 - Teacher PD/Student Success
$1842.00 - Chromebook Charging Cart
$13,037.25 - Aide Salaries
$10,000.00 - Lease of Chromebooks
$27,812.75  - TOTAL
MOY DIBELs were shared by Mr. Nestoryak: 
Interactive Panels to replace current SMART Boards and projectors were also discussed:
The new interactive panels that tech services found are Newline. A few techs have told me, in the long run, it's more cost-effective to go with the interactive panels if you need to replace both the projector and smartboard.">The Newline interactive boards are about $1000.00 less than the new">SMART panels. To replace an interactive board it costs about $3000.00 for a 75" and $4000.00 for an 86."
Proposed goals:
45% of students in 3rd - 6th grade will be proficient on the end-of-year state math assessment.  

The meeting ended at 3:45