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Valley View Elementary School

Community Council

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Meeting called to order 4:04pm

Attendance: Principal Ann Holdaway, Tricia Chatlin, Marnie Davidson, Tracy Woodward, Kaitlin Hunt, Lea Belnap, Nancy Fulmer, Tiffany Baty

Reviewed January 2018 meeting minutes. Tricia approved minutes, Marnie 2nd the approval.

Nancy presented “the board” and reviewed where each grade is on DIBELS.

Reviewed trustland monies: aid salaries, technology needs (projectors, security camera, chrome books), STEM costs and ipad rotations. Ann would like to replace the ipads that were rotated out with new chromebooks and chromebook carts.

Tiffany motioned to approve the 2018/2019 trustland plans. Lea 2nd the motion. Vote on the new trustland plan was unanimous in favor.

We talked about replacing Moby Max with an alternate math app.

Next meeting is March 28, 2018 at 4pm.

4:55pm Lea moved to close the meeting. Tiffany 2nd the motion.