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TSSA Plan 2024-2025

Teacher and Student Success Plan

School Information

Name of Administrator: Philip Nestoryak
Name of School: Valley View

Goal # 1

Each goal must promote improved student performance and student academic achievement

Goal #1:
 70% of students in kindergarten to 6th grade will show typical to well-above typical growth according to the pathways of progress on the 2025 end of school year Acadience READING Assessment.
Goal #1 Action Steps.
 Paraprofessionals will provide small group intervention & enrichment support
in grades K-6. Students scoring below grade level will receive Tier II and/or
Tier III intervention in addition to the whole group and differentiated
classroom instruction. Data from the Acadience assessment, PAST Diagnostic,
the LETRS Survey, will be used to screen and progress monitor students on an
ongoing basis in order to design effective intervention, adjust instructional
groupings, and measure student growth in identified areas. Paraprofessionals
will be hired and trained to assist teachers in providing reading interventions
for students.
 Substitutes will cover for teachers when they meet as a Student Success Team
every six weeks to determine how to best help students who are struggling
the most.
 Personalized software programs & instructional resources will be used to
assist students and teachers with targeted instruction, data analysis, &
engagement. (Zearn, IXL, PLTW, Generation Genius, mystery science).
 Technology will be updated in classrooms & throughout the school to improve
audio and visual experiences. (Newline Panels & sound bars).
Goal #1 Expenditure Category

Keep in mind that expenditures may not supplant funding for existing public education programs or be used for capital expenditures. (Please right click on the checkbox(es) below and select the checkmark icon for each applicable category.)

School personnel stipends