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September 2019 Community Council Minutes

Valley View Elementary School

Community Council

Meeting Minutes for Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Meeting called to order at 3:00pm

Attendance: Ann Holdaway, Nancy Fulmer, Marnie Davidson, Lea Belnap, Kaitlin Hunt, Tricia Chatlin, Sara Storey

Next Meetings are: October 16 and January 15

There is a Trustlands training available in the Fall if anyone would like to attend.

Nancy gave a report on the DIBELS results that we have so far:

                Kinder looks a little higher this year

                Reports so far look similar to what they were last year

Ann reviewed the 2018-2019 budget

Ann talked about the TSSA (Teacher Student Success Act)

                Goals are reading and to continue to implement STEM

Ann gave a Safety Update:

                We want everyone to be on the portal, especially for safety updates

(393 of 444 students are on)

Next meeting is on October 16 and we will be voting on the new 2019-2020 plan

Kaitlin reviewed the May meeting minutes.

Lea motioned to close the meeting at 3:48pm. Sara 2nd the motion.

Meeting adjourned at 3:48pm