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Valley View Elementary 

Community Council Meeting
October 6, 2021 3:00

Members in attendance:

Phil Nestoryak
Nancy Fulmer
Kaitlin Hunt
David Craig
Perry Mills 

Members absent:
Tricia Chatlin

  • Welcome - Mr. Nestoryak welcomed everyone. 
  • Council Roles - Mr. Nestoryak shared with everyone the">LAND Trust website and resources that can be found there. 
  • Current plan - Mr. Nestoryak shared with everyone">the current plan that is being implemented. Mr. Mills asked a question about the amount of funds specifically supporting reading (goal #1) compared to math (goal #2) Mr. Nestoryak clarified that the majority of the funds go towards paying for aide salaries and the majority of their time is spent on reading intervention and enrichment. Mr. Nestoryak also explained that other funding sources also support mathematics schoolwide. Such as personalized learning software licensing, teacher training, manipulatives, and other instructional materials. Mr. Craig asked about goals and data and Mrs. Fuller and Mr. Nestoryak explained that in future meetings we would share data and student progress and we look at our most critical academic needs. Mr. Nestoryak also spoke about">appropriate expenditures and what would not be allowed. 
  • First of year video - We watched's%2520Education%2520Endowment.mp4&source=gmail&ust=1636637058216000&usg=AOvVaw3YBEzQBkswK4_RTLG6RB3z">this video about how funds are generated, the purpose of councils, and about the community councils. 
  • CIPA - The Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) requires yearly internet safety instruction with all students. Mr. Nestoryak shared that WSD uses">Common Sense Media lessons and that an aide instructs all our students using">Nearpod.
  • Timeline - a">timeline for completing the plan was discussed.
  • Future dates/times - Everyone was fine with the schedule of meetings for the year. Mr. Nestoryak mentioned that joining virtually will always be an option. Council meetings are open to the public, anyone is welcome to attend, however, only council members vote. Mr. Nestoryak motioned to end the meeting at 3:40 and Mr. Craig seconded.