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Teacher and Student Success Plan


School Information

Name of Administrator: Ann Holdaway

Name of School: Valley View Elementary


Goal # 1

Each goal must promote improved student performance and student academic achievement


Goal #1 

70% of Valley View Students from beginning to end of the 2019-20 school year, in grades K-6, will achieve typical or above typical growth on the DIBELS assessment as measured by pathways of progress


Goal #1 Action Step

*Professional development will be scheduled for the purpose of training teachers and aides on effective Tier 1 instruction, intervention strategies and extensions. ($3,000)


*Subs will be provided to cover classes for the purpose of training teachers, for professional learning, conferences and for Child Study. ($1,500)


*Reading Horizon kits will be purchased for teachers in grades K-3 ($4,442)


*Funds will be spent for a summer professional development for teachers in RTI and Planning Interventions and Extensions in Elementary School. We will partner with two other schools to bring in a presenter from Solution Tree. ($3,000)


*The book “It’s about Time-Planning Interventions and Extensions in Elementary School” will be purchased for teachers attending the summer PD. ($521)


*A stipend will be paid to all teachers attending the summer PD. ($3,200)


*An adaptive literacy/typing program will be purchased and utilized in grades K-6 ($3,000)


*Technology will be purchased to replace aging technology and aide in the delivery of instruction. ($2,000)


Goal #1 Expenditure Category

Keep in mind that expenditures may not supplant funding for existing public education programs or be used for capital expenditures.


☒ School personnel stipends

☒ Professional learning

☐ Additional school employees

☐ Social and emotional learning support

☐ College and career readiness skills

☐ Student leadership development

☒ Technology

☐ Before – or after – school programs

☐ Community support programs or partnerships

☐ Early childhood education

☐ Class size reduction strategies

☒ other Teaching materials and/or supplies related to our goal


Goal # 1 Measures of Success

Include a description of how progress toward the goals will be measured.


RISE, DIBELS benchmark and progress monitoring data will be used to track and measure progress.


Goal #2

Each goal must promote improved student performance and student academic achievement.


Goal #2 

Valley View will continue to implement the PLTW (STEM) program, to improve student achievement in grades K-6, in math and science.


Goal #2 Action Step

*TSSA funds will be used to purchase PLTW modules and supplies for grades K-6 grade. ($6,000)


*Funds will be used to pay PLTW yearly participation fee. ($750)


*Two teachers will be sent to training, to be the leads or facilitators for PLTW. ($2,000)


*Professional development, classes, and/or workshops, will be scheduled for the purpose of training teachers on Tier 1 instruction, RTI (Response to Intervention) and PLTW. ($1,000)


*An adaptive online math program will be purchased and utilized in grades K-6. ($3,000)


*Subs will be provided to cover classes for professional learning, conferences, or other classes related to our goal. ($1,500)


*TSSA funds will be used to pay a stipend to teachers who offer after school math tutoring. ($1,000)


*A stipend will be paid to a teacher facilitator to help train and assist 4-6 grade teachers with their math Tier 1 instruction and on the new science core. ($500)


*We will prepare to start our after school robotics program. Funds may be used for training, to purchase equipment or to pay for an after school facilitator. ($1,000)


*We will hold a Parent/Student Math Night in the fall. Math supplies will be purchased for this activity. ($200)


*Technology will be purchased as needed to assist with our goal (2,000)


Goal #2 Expenditure Areas

Keep in mind that expenditures may not supplant funding for existing public education programs or be used for capital expenditures.


☒ School personnel stipends

☒ Professional learning

☐ Additional school employees

☐ Social and emotional learning support

☐ College and career readiness skills

☐ Student leadership development

☒ Technology

☒ Before – or after – school programs

☐ Community support programs or partnerships

☐ Early childhood education

☐ Class size reduction strategies

☒ other Teaching materials and/or supplies related to our goal


Goal #2 Measures of Success

Include a description of how progress toward the goals will be measured.


Grade level SLO (beginning, middle and end) scores, benchmark scores and RISE end of level scores.


Do you have a Goal #3




*If no then skip to Proposed Budget


Goal #3

Each goal must promote improved student performance and student academic achievement.


Goal #3

Click or tap here to enter text.


Goal #3 Action Step

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Goal #3 Expenditure Areas

Keep in mind that expenditures may not supplant funding for existing public education programs or be used for capital expenditures


☐ School personnel stipends

☐ Professional learning

☐ Additional school employees

☐ Social and emotional learning support

☐ College and career readiness skills

☐ Student leadership development

☐ Technology

☐ Before – or after – school programs

☐ Community support programs or partnerships

☐ Early childhood education

☐ Class size reduction strategies

☐ other Click or tap here to enter text.


Goal #3 Measures of Success

Include a description of how progress toward the goals will be measured.


Click or tap here to enter text.


Proposed Budget


Budget Upload


Stakeholder Involvement


Who was involved in developing this plan?


☒Collaborative Leadership Team



☒Community Council Members


☒Support Professionals

☐Other Click or tap here to enter text.




Administrator Signature

Please type the name of the administrator submitting this application. This is considered an electronic signature for the application. By signing, the administrator agrees that the plan provided will be implemented and followed in order to reach the specified goals. 

Ann Holdaway 8/8/2019