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2018-2019 Final Report

Final Report 2018-2019 - Valley View EL

Financial Proposal and Report

This report is automatically generated from the School Plan entered in the spring of 2018 and from the District Business Administrator's data entry of the School LAND Trust expenditures in 2018-2019.

DescriptionPlanned Expenditures
(entered by the school)
Actual Expenditures
(entered by the school)
Actual Expenditures
(entered by the District
Business Administrator)
Remaining Funds (Carry-Over to 2019-2020)$135N/A$10
Carry-Over from 2017-2018 $2,862 N/A $1,251
Distribution for 2018-2019 $45,273 N/A $47,853
Total Available for Expenditure in 2018-2019$48,135N/A$49,104
Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200) $36,000 $40,891 $34,139
Employee Benefits (200) $0 $0 $6,752
Professional and Technical Services (300) $5,000 $1,787 $1,787
Repairs and Maintenance (400) $0 $0 $0
RETIRED. DO NOT USE (500) $0 $0 $0
Printing (550) $0 $0 $0
Transportation/Admission/Per Diem/Site Licenses (510, 530 and 580) $0 $0 $0
General Supplies (610) $2,000 $6,416 $6,416
Textbooks (641) $0 $0 $0
Textbooks (Online Curriculum or Subscriptions) (642) $0 $0 $0
Library Books (644) $0 $0 $0
Technology Related Hardware/Software (< $5,000 per item) (650) $0 $0 $0
Software (670) $0 $0 $0
Equipment (Computer Hardware, Instruments, Furniture) (730) $5,000 $0 $0
Technology Equipment > $5,000 (734) $0 $0 $0
Total Expenditures$48,000$49,094$49,094

Goal #1


Valley View's primary goal it that 80% of our students will be at benchmark in reading by the end of the year, as measured by DIBELS.

Academic Areas

  • Reading


This is the measurement identified in the plan to determine if the goal was reached.

We will use DIBELS Benchmark and progress monitoring scores to determine if students are making progress towards our school reading goal. Baseline and completed measures will be determined by DIBELS scoring norms.

Please show the before and after measurements and how academic performance was improved.

School Wide Benchmark scores 2018-2019
BOY = 62%
MOY = 67%
EOY = 70%
Growth from beginning of the year until the end = 8%

Action Plan Steps

This is the Action Plan Steps identified in the plan to reach the goal.

Valley View Elementary will continue to use a push-in program to assist with language arts skills such as reading and writing.  Students will be grouped using results of DIBELS testing and other benchmark assessments to determine reading levels. Paraprofessionals will provide extra support along with teachers to ensure that groups are small and to provide more individualized attention to students. Our reading coach will oversee this program. Groups are fluid as students move up and down in ability. Along with this instruction time four days a week, students will also receive reading instruction in their classrooms using the district reading basil program. Teachers will provide both whole group and small group instruction in their classrooms. ($18,000)

Valley View's faculty will receive professional development from the district, on rigor, common assessments, and PLC development, and at time attend workshops or conferences related to our goal. ($4,000)

School specific professional development will focus on ELT's (Essential Learning Targets), CFA's (Common Formative Assessments), interpreting data and improving our PLC's. 

We will purchase reading materials and/or general supplies associated with our goal. ($1,000)

Please explain how the action plan was implemented to reach this goal.

Valley View used paraprofessionals in a push-in program to assist with language arts. Students were grouped using results of DIBELS testing and other benchmark tests, to determine reading levels. Aides provided extra support along with the teachers to ensure that groups were small and to individualize instruction for students. Teachers also provided whole group and small group instructions in their classrooms using the Journey Reading Program. Royals in Action from the high school (Roy High) worked one-on-one with our Kindergarten students. Ipads and Chrome books were used to access Imagine Learning Reading Program. Star Tutor volunteers also provided extra one-on-one instruction with struggling students.


CategoryDescriptionEstimated CostActual CostActual Use
Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200)

Reading Intervention Aides

$18,000 $20,445

As described

Professional and Technical Services (300)

To be used for technology and/or professional development which could include: workshops, conference registrations or professional development for teacher/staff ties to our academic goals.

$4,000 $893

As described

General Supplies (610)

Office or classroom supplies associated with Trust land goals.

$1,000 $3,208

As described

Goal #2


By the end of the 2018-2019 school year, 75% of regular education students in grades K-6 will earn a proficient score on the Math SLO test.

Academic Areas

  • Mathematics


This is the measurement identified in the plan to determine if the goal was reached.

We will use SAGE benchmark test scores and frequent common formative assessments to determine if students are making progress towards our school math goal.

Please show the before and after measurements and how academic performance was improved.

Classroom SLO test scores and benchmark test score goals (in all grades) made considerable attainment, or full attainment on end of level tests.

Action Plan Steps

This is the Action Plan Steps identified in the plan to reach the goal.

Valley View will employ aides that will be used for PLC rotations, as teachers use Professional Learning Community time to review students data, create common assessments, unpack standards, and review teaching strategies to create a guaranteed viable curriculum. ($18,000)

The faculty will receive professional development from the district, and in school development, on rigor, common assessments and PLC development, and at times attend workshops or conferences related to our goal.  ($1,000) 

We will also lease two additional chromebook labs to maintain time for fact practice and teacher directed computer instruction. We will also purchase other technology as needed. ($5,000)

We will purchase math manipulative's and/or purchase general supplies to be used in math instruction in the classroom or for use in periodic or after school programs associated with our goal. ($1,000)

Please explain how the action plan was implemented to reach this goal.

Valley View employed aides to handle our PLC rotations while teachers used the time in their Professional learning Communities. There the teachers created common formative assessments, viewed and studied data results and planned a viable curriculum to meet the needs of our students. We used our Chromebooks in the classrooms to increase student knowledge and understanding.


CategoryDescriptionEstimated CostActual CostActual Use
Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200)

Aide salaries for Professional Learning Community aides.

$18,000 $20,446

As described

Professional and Technical Services (300)

Professional Development tied to academic goals.

$1,000 $894

As described

General Supplies (610)

Classroom supplies, office supplies and/or student incentives associated with Trust land goals.

$1,000 $3,208

Chromebook fees were taken from general expensive's. All else is as described.

Equipment (Computer Hardware, Instruments, Furniture) (730)

Chromebooks, and/or other technology

$5,000 $0

Charges for Chromebooks were taken out of general supplies

Funding Changes (and Unplanned Expenditures)

The school plan describes how additional funds exceeding the estimated distribution would be spent. This is the description.

We will increase aide time. We will fund curriculum resources and training to support the PLC process. We will upgrade technology.

Description of how any additional funds exceeding the estimated distribution were actually spent.

As described


The following items are the proposed methods of how the Plan would be publicized to the community:

  • School newsletter
  • School website
  • Other: Please explain.
    • Community Council Meetings

The school plan was actually publicized to the community in the following way(s):

  • School newsletter
  • School website
  • School marquee
  • Other: Please explain.
    • Community Council Meetings

Policy Makers

The school community council has communicated with the following policy makers about the School LAND Trust Program. Communication with Policy makers is encouraged and recommended. It is not required.

State Leaders
Trust Lands Administration

Summary Posting Date

A summary of this Final Report was provided to parents and posted on the school website on 2019-10-20

Council Plan Approvals

Number ApprovedNumber Not ApprovedNumber AbsentVote Date
8 0 3 2018-02-21