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November 8, 2023 Community Council Minutes

Minutes November 8, 2023
Parent members: Kassandra Alcocer, Janel Hulbert, Brett Hadley, Kayla Campbell,
School members: Luke Weston, Phil Nestoryak

Members Present: Kassandra Alcocer, Janel Hulbert, Brett Hadley, Kayla Campbell, Luke Weston, Phil Nestoryak
Members Absent: N/A
Others present: Angie Kindall, Instructional coach, Alan Rhees, Edtech Coach

November 8, 2023 at 3:pm in the library

  • Mr. Nestoryak called the meeting to order at 3:pm. He went over the current budget of $47,704.85, contracted pay for aide salaries of $2,853.72 and Chromebook lease expense of $9,892.00 with this rate we will end the school year with approximately $3,500.00 in our account. We are allowed to carry over, but not to exceed 10%.
  • Instructional Coach, Angelia Kindall, presented the beginning of the school year data and achievement results from the acadience reading and math assessment and our school & district goals for growth and getting students to achieve benchmark status. She mentioned the school, teachers, instructional aides and support staff are utilizing the 95% Group resources in targeting specific skills students are in need of. She stated that we as a school are focused on growth as well as the school district and that the school district goal is that 60% of students show typical, above typical, or well-above typical growth according to the pathways of progress on the Acadience state assessments.  
  • Alan Rhees from the school district's technology department presented on safe technology utilization, filtering, internet safety, & digital citizenship. See attached. He mentioned the Utah Education Network provides the district with web filtering. WSD has two back up filters. He shared and explained the 6 levels of filtration. WSD also uses Bark for monitoring, a free service for schools and districts. A question was asked by Kassandra about whether or not Bark is able to monitor Google Slides. Alan responded by stating slides are monitored, but Bark struggles with images that have embedded text, memes. Alan shared that WSD uses Common Sense Media to fulfill the Child Internet Protection Act, (CIPA) requirement for digital citizenship and instruction in schools. He mentioned Common Sense Media is a great place for parents to go to look at reviews of movies, TV, books, games, podcasts,  & apps. A question was asked why the district no longer offers the Chromebook repair assist program (insurance). Alan was going to look into that for us. Alan recommended the books  Digital for Good: Raising Kids to Thrive in an Online World  & The Art of Screen Time. Alan announced that the school board just approved the purchase and implementation of Blocksi, a K12 web filter and classroom screen monitoring software designed to minimize screen time and online threats while maximizing the overall educational experience.
  • The motion to adjourn was at 3:50, Kayla seconded the motion.