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January 2018 Community Council Minutes

Valley View Elementary School

Community Council

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Meeting called to order 4:02pm

Attendance: Principal Ann Holdaway, Kaitlin Hunt, Sara Storey, Lea Belnap, Tiffany Baty, Tricia Chatlin, Sheri Wells, Tracy Woodward

Reviewed November 2017 meeting minutes.  Tiffany approved minutes, Tracy 2nd the approval.

Reviewed recent DIBELS scores.  6th grade still has one test to take.  Nancy will bring the big board next time to explain scores and particulars about specific grades.

Reviewed “field trip” to Green Acres to observe the STEM program.  Tricia talked about the robotics, Tracy talked about the 1st grades and iPads.  Ann talked about how the program is purchased; by license and individual modules.  Ann will work on getting the projected expense of the program.  Ann asked if anyone would like to go again/or for the first time to observe?  Tracy, Lea, Tiffany and Kaitlin were all interested in going.

Reviewed where we are with the Trustlands budget.  Ann would like to purchase new carts for Chromebooks to keep in the older grade portables.  The carts will come out of this year’s budget, new Chromebooks will be out of next year’s budget.  We will vote on this expense at the next meeting.

Ann offered the Title One Plan available for anyone who would like to review it.

Next meeting is February 21, 2018 at 4pm.

4:50pm Lea moved to close the meeting.  Tiffany 2nd the motion.