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September 2018 Community Council Minutes

Community Council Valley View Elementary School Wednesday, September 12, 2018   Meeting called to order at 4:02pm   Attendance: Principal Ann Holdaway, Kaitlin Hunt, Lea Belnap, Sara Story, Nancy Fulmer, Angie Kindall   -Reviewed 2018-2019 Community Council meeting schedule -Ann let everyone know there is a new Community Council video on YouTube for everyone to review -There is a meeting with the district on Tuesday, September 18 -Nancy reviewed the results of DIBELS testing so far -Reviewed the 2017/2018 budget -Ann introduced the proposed 2018-2019 budget plan   Nancy...

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May 2018 Community Council Minutes

May 9, 2018 Community Council Minutes 4pm In attendance: Sarah, Mrs. Wells, Marnie, Mrs. Woodward, Mrs. Fulmer, Tiffany, Lea, Mrs. Holdaway Sarah read the minutes from last meeting – Mrs. Woodward approved, Mrs. Fulmer 2nd Info from Mrs. Holdaway *Our plan was approved *5th and 6th grade will each have a set of Chrome books (per grade) next school year *Lower grades have 9 Chrome books they can use in addition to their grade set of I pads *We est. $3,800 for 4 year lease on 66 Chrome books, Trust land monies will be used to pay the lease. We own the carts. Mrs. Fulmer reported about...

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Dress Code

Valley View students are expected to maintain an appearance that is not detrimental to the educational process of the school or distracting to educational stakeholders.  Below you will find a few guidelines that will help you determine if your student is dressed appropriately for school.   Do wear shirts long enough to cover the midriff. Do  wear pants that aren't excessively baggy or too tight to be pulled up properly. Do wear shorts and skirts that are an appropriate length.  (A good way to make sure these items of...

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