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March 2018 Community Council Minutes

Valley View Elementary School

Community Council

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Meeting called to order 4:00pm


Attendance: Principal Ann Holdaway, Tracy Woodward, Marnie Davidson, Nancy Fulmer, Tricia Chatlin, Sara Storey, Kaitlin Hunt, Sheri Wells, Tiffany Baty


Reviewed February 2018 meeting minutes.  Tricia approved minutes, Marnie 2nd the approval.


Reviewed the 2018-2019 Trustlands Plan:

Goal #1 is the same (this is the reading goal)

Goal #2 is the same (this is the math goal)

-changed from being based off of Sage to based off of the SLO goal


-Chromebook carts were purchased with non-trustland funds

-Chromebooks will be purchased for the 5th & 6th grades with this year’s trustlands

-New security cameras for the back of the school will also be purchased with this year’s funds


Next meeting is May 9, 2018 at 4pm.


4:34pm Nancy moved to close the meeting.  Tiffany 2nd the motion.