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Reflections Student Entry Form - Valley View 

The Arts are an important part of developing minds. The PTA has an annual contest to encourage young ones to create their own masterpiece, Reflections! This year's theme is:

   National PTA Reflections logo     I Matter Because     National PTA Reflections logo         

                                                        Categories: Dance, Video, Writing, Music, Photography, and Art

The categories are: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, 2D Visual Arts, and 3D Visual Arts. Entries must be an original creation of the child and can include parent encouragement and technical support.

All dance, film, and music must be on a USB drive. Present your 3D art in the form of photos or flash drive. Overview of categories and basic guidelines attached- for complete rules, including consent and copyright, go to or obtain a paper copy from the front office.

Please bring entries to the front office by Friday, Oct 2nd by the end of school day in a 10x13 or similar envelope with Entry Form including parent signature and Consent Form, if needed- for anyone appearing in video or pictures. Thanks!

All students who enter Reflections will have their art displayed at the school Oct 12-14th. They will also be invited to attend an outdoor awards assembly (dependent upon weather and district guidelines) on October 20th at 5:30 PM. Parents are welcome to attend.


We are excited to see the creations that our Vikings will make using this theme!

The Arts are an important part of developing minds. the PTA has an annual contest to encourage young ones to create their own masterpiece, Reflections! This year's theme is:

The categories are: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, 2D Visual Arts, and 3D Visual Arts. Entries must be an original creation of the child and can include parent encouragement and technical support.

All dance, film, and music must be on a USB drive. Present your 3D art in the form of photos or flash drive. Overview of categories and basic guidelines attached- for complete rules, including consent and copyright, go to or obtain a paper copy from the front office.

Please bring entries to the front office by Friday, Oct 2nd by the end of school day in a 10x13 or similar envelope with Entry Form including parent signature and Consent Form, if needed- for anyone appearing in video or pictures. Thanks!

All students who enter Reflections will have their art displayed at the school Oct 12-14th. They will also be invited to attend an outdoor awards assembly (dependent upon weather and district guidelines) on October 20th at 5:30 PM. Parents are welcome to attend.


We are excited to see the creations that our Vikings will make using this theme!


Other Useful Links:

Official rules & rules for each category